Wednesday, November 10, 2010

feel sumthng..

hmm..i tot of sending an old fren a msg kat fb..but im very shock looksng at P' pic..
okey...xterkejut la if P mcm tu cz dr sy kenal dia,predictable if P turn out dia way..i dnt know..juz dnt judge a book by its cover,rite?they said that..but my mum said,if cover dah buruk,isi dalam blum tentu elok..kalau buku tu isi dia elok,mest si penulis xakn mencacatkan kulit bukunya.
n kalau kita tgk buah mngga or nangka or cempedak or pape buah yg owner dia balut elok2 supaya xkena mkn ulat.n xde org yg akn cover buah yg dah,if kita nk beli pun,mest tgk kulit yg elok,kan?sy bertanya kepada diri sendiri..ntahla..xelok buat fitnah..ats pndangan msg2 la..

hmm,back to d topic...they hugged n so close n im juz imagine dat......hahhh.. si P hugged my other fren S,L,M,T...n im juz too shock dis S,L,M,T yg sy kenal sgt la polite(ni blh kot apply 'dnt judge a book by its cover) n i never tot dat they are doing those scene(i mean in public)...ntah,ntah n pun bkn baek sgt..slow2 utk mnjadi baek..juz bila bnda tu di'publickan',its a big issue ..mngkn utk sy je..untk orang laen,x kot..ntah lagi...

terasa hilang respect(sket2) utk org yg sy pndang tnggi..ntah la.mgkn tu cara diorang bersosial..
ye,sy buat dosa jgk..p,i dnt do it with many2 people..n sy rs xberhak utk kondem tp,its juz an opinion..maaf bnyk2,oke?

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